Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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Internet Message Format
From: davis@space.mit.edu
Newsgroups: news.software.readers,alt.lang.s-lang
Followup-To: news.software.readers
Subject: slrn FAQ
Summary: This posting
Keywords: slrn newsreader
Archive-name: slrn-faq
Posting-Frequency: bi-weekly
This is the slrn FAQ.
Send comments, suggestions, or corrections to davis@space.mit.edu.
The latest version of slrn is available via anonymous ftp from
ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/slrn. It is also available from:
More information about slrn is available on the World Wide Web via
If you are viewing this FAQ with slrn, press `g' to go from one subject to
the next.
Questions addressed:
0. Where can I find more information about slrn?
1. Instead of drawing lines for the thread tree, I see `mq'. Why?
2. I do not see a thread tree. Why?
3. When I mark an article as read, why aren't cross-posts marked as read also?
4. What is a prefix argument?
5. How do I re-read articles in a newsgroup that I have already read?
6. Can I use the mouse with slrn?
7. How do I use the mouse in an Xterm to cut/paste?
8. What is the easiest way to uudecode articles?
9. How do I cross-post an article?
10. How do I find the previously read articles of a thread?
11. Why doesn't the `L' command work as advertised?
12. Where can I find more information about slrn?
13. How can I set my `From' line for my posts?
Subject: 0. Where can I find more information about slrn?
Although there is a man page, it probably does not cover the
latest slrn features. A better source of information about new
features may be found in the `changes.txt' file that is
distributed with slrn. Also, all .slrnrc options are described in
the example `slrn.rc' file that is distributed with slrn.
More help may also be available from
In particular, this web page contains links to other sources of
slrn information.
You can also participate in the development of slrn by improving
its documentation. If you would like to submit some documentation
for slrn, please use a text-only format. At some point, I plan to
put all of slrn's documentation in SGML format and then process
the SGML document to produce man pages, html pages, TeX, RTF,
Finally, if you create additional documentation for slrn and make
it available via the WWW, please let me know about it and I will
create a link to your web page.
Subject: 1. Instead of drawing lines for the thread tree, I see `mq'. Why?
There are a couple of reasons for this. The simplest may be that the
font that you are using does not support line drawing characters.
Simply switching fonts to a dec-vt220 compatible font may solve the
problem. This is usually the case with Windows telnet applications.
Another reason for this is that your terminfo file may not be set up
properly. The obvious solution is fix the terminfo file. However, this
may not be possible without the correct tools (untic and tic) and many
systems do not have those tools installed.
Although slang is a terminfo based system, there is another solution
based on termcap if you are using version 0.99.18 of slang or later.
First of all, get a termcap entry that contains the appropriate
capabilities for an alternate character set, that is, the termcap `ac',
`ae', `as', and possibly `eA' capabilities. Lets call this file
`my_termcap'. Then do:
setenv TERMCAP `pwd`/my_termcap
eval `tset -s terminal-name`
(Replace `terminal-name' by your terminal name). `tset' will then read
and parse the my_termcap file and set the TERMCAP variable
appropriately. You will want to put this in your .login file.
Subject: 2. I do not see a thread tree. Why?
See the answer to the previous question.
Subject: 3. When I mark an article as read, why aren't cross-posts marked
as read also?
For slrn to mark an article as read in more than one group, it needs
information about what groups the article was cross-posted to. This
information is provided by the Xref header. Not all servers provide
this header so this feature will not work with those servers.
Now suppose that your server provides the Xref header as one of the
headers of the article and at the same time, provides support for the
NOV database (via the XOVER nntp command). In this case, unless the
server has been configured to provide the Xref header as part of the NOV
database, slrn will not be able to get the header without accessing the
article. Unfortunately, Xref is optional under NOV so many systems do
not automatically provide it even though it is one of the recommended
To summarize, make sure that your server provides the Xref header AND if
it supports NOV, make sure that the Xref header is part of the NOV
Subject: 4. What is a prefix argument?
Many key-bindings accept prefix arguments. A prefix argument is an
integer that is generated prior to a key sequence and is used as a way
of controlling the behavior the key sequence. It is generated by
pressing the ESC key and then pressing the keys that correspond to the
integer. For example, to generate a prefix argument of 314, simply
press the 4 keys: ESC 3 1 4.
Some functions use such arguments as repeat factors. That is, the
function bound to the key sequence that they modify will be repeated the
number of times specified by the prefix argument.
Some other functions may simply use it as a way of slightly modifying
the behavior of the function. For example, if a prefix argument is
used as a modifier for the `followup' function, the original article's
headers will be included in the followup message. Without a prefix
argument, the headers will not be included in followups.
Subject: 5. How do I re-read articles in a newsgroup that I have already read?
When entering a newsgroup, simply use a `prefix argument'. This means,
press ESC and then a number followed by the key sequence that you use to
enter the newsgroup. For example, if you use the RETURN key, then do
the following: ESC 1 RETURN
Subject: 6. Can I use the mouse with slrn?
If slrn is run in an Xterm, it can use the mouse. To enable it, add the
set mouse 1
to your .slrnrc file. This will cause slrn to turn on Xterm mouse
reporting when run in an Xterm window. The TERM environment variable
is used to determine whether or not this is the case.
To force the mouse to be used, startup slrn using the -m option, e.g.,
`slrn -m'.
The actions defined for the mouse are specified in the following table:
Group Mode:
Object Button Action
Top Status line any specified by button label
Group Name any select group
Bottom Status line middle toggle display of unread groups
Bottom Status line left page-down
Bottom Status line right page-up
Article Mode:
Object Button Action
Top status line any specified by button label
Header status line left header page down
right header page up
middle hide article window
Article status line left next unread
right previous unrea